Bright & Cheery Lone Star

Bright & Cheery Lone Star

Bright & Cheery Lone Star

Bright & Cheery Lone Star

Well I got this little gem put together over the weekend.  I’m a little sad because I wish I would have made it BIGGER!!  With some borders, this will be a pretty large baby quilt.  I was surprised at how easy piecing this and putting the blades together was.  It’s stripped pieced and then the seams are pressed opened. (First time NOT pressing to the dark side.)


Strip Sets

Then came the more difficult part, blocking the blades and then the assembly was a tad tricky for me.  The Y seams are a tad tricky at first, as is getting the center star together.  So this being my first attempt, I had a few mis-steps as well as 1 “stubby” blade.  Which normally would drive me crazy, but I’m excited to make another one, so this will be chalked up to a learning experience.  😀


Seams pressed open

I’m going to make my next one larger, and I’m toying with adding white or another solid color between the colors…we’ll see.  But I’m excited to make a few more of these as they aren’t nearly has hard as I thought they would be, and want to keep building my confidence in making them.  Happy Quilting!

Be There, Get your Square – Block #6

Be There, Get your Square – Block #6

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Block

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Block

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, this block has given me FITS, and it still isn’t 100% correct.  Some of my seams do not match.  However, in reviewing the colors I chose for this block, I am going to make it again.  Yes, I know.  A block I didn’t particularly care making the first time, I’m going to go back and make it again.

With 1 trial run under my belt, I’m HOPING that I have a better understanding and appreciation for the whole process of traditional piecing, and an engineered block.  With that said, I am pretty pleased that I didn’t let this block defeat me.  It also gives me a much bigger appreciation for how quilters used to put their blocks together without our modern conveniences.  (Rulers, rotary cutters, etc.)

Block of the Month Information:
Voices of the Past II – Women in History” by Kaye England
Hosted by:  Inspired to Sew in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Navaho Rose, Almost Completed!

Navaho Rose, Almost Completed!

Navaho RoseWell I didn’t get as much done this weekend as I had hoped.  But I certainly got a good deal done, so I’m content with that.  My “Navaho Rose” quilt is almost complete, just need to add 3 borders.  This was a really fun pattern by Cynthia Rang at The Fabric Patch in Ephrata Washington.

It was also my first time making a quilt with “traditional piecing” which wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.  I use specialty rulers (Nifty Notions rulers – which I LOVE) But I thought it would be a good exercise to make it traditionally, so I was marking squares and sewing on each side of the line to make my half square triangles.  🙂

It’s also the first quilt I’ve put on point, that wasn’t from a “Straight to the Point” pattern, and it wasn’t bad at all.  I’ve heard stories about how it was difficult, but it was really straight forward to me.

So hopefully I will have this ready to go this week and sent off to my FABULOUS quilter Charisma.