I’m in a Magazine!!

I’m in a Magazine!!


topshopmyquiltOkay, they don’t really…I was really excited because my friends over at the Fabric Patch in Ephrata, WA were chosen as one of this years “Top Shops” by Quilt Sampler magazine.  This meant they were recognized for all the years of hard work they have invested in becoming a wonderful local quilt shop.  They got a nice spread in the magazine, and some great photos.

Botanical Navaho RoseI was excited because I had sent one of my quilts in to be quilted by my friends Charisma, and Cindi (the owner) hung it for the shoot.  So I got to see one of my quilts in a magazine which is a cool thing!  The quilt is called “Navaho Rose” and is one of Cindi’s original designs.  I added a closer image of the quilt from Charisma’s site.

So anyway it’s pretty neat to see a friend’s hard work and dedication pay off, as well as seeing a little something you did in a magazine.  Hope everyone is have a great day!

Happy Quilting!


Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

So yesterday I was having a particularly though day.  My cat needed an emergency visit to the vet, and I’m still on the hunt for a new career opportunity.  Needless to say, my normal cheerful disposition has been slightly stressed as of late. So after getting back from the vet (Thank goodness it wasn’t anything life threatening for my cat name Chicken) I went back to work, and was just in a foul mood.  I hate being in limbo and not having a clear path forward, but it is what it is, and there isn’t anything more I can do to hurry the process along.

wwSo yesterday afternoon I get a text from my friends at The Fabric Patch and the text immediately turns my frown upside down.  It read “Wonder Woman is in the HOUSE!!”

Now I am a LONG time lover of Wonder Woman, ever since the series starring Lynda Carter aired.  Love, love, LOVE me some Wonder Woman.  So needless to say I have some of this fabric on it’s way to me.  Then I thought, what do I want to do with it…and I think I will make a travel bag.

Just amazing how you can be having a terrible day, and then a fond memory from your childhood and turn your day around.  So  big thank you to Cindi and Brianna at the Fabric Patch!  My day was made!   😀

What I Learned Today

What I Learned Today

30's Lone Star Mock-UpSo I spent my afternoon with Jan Krentz (Okay not HER, but her DVD) and getting my first lone star quilt setup.  I chose 30’s reproduction fabric, for many of my friends this will not come as a surprise.  There is something about 30s fabric that just makes me smile.  It’s bright, it’s cheery, it plays well together, what’s not to like?

I plan on the center to be bright red and will burst out into the cooler colors.  The background will be yellow, and then I plan on adding either smaller stars or some applique in the corners.  Jan’s DVD is a WONDERFUL tool if you plan on making one of these in a strip pieced method.  Her instructions are clear and precise, as is her entire method of assembly.

olfa45So as for what I learned today?  I should be embarrassed probably, but I will admit it, I have NEVER changed the blade on my rotary cutter….ever.  So when watching the DVD, because of the need for precision, she tells you to change your blade.  So I open my package of blade and pop a new one in.  (And I didn’t even cut myself!)  Boy HOWDY does that make a HUGE difference!!!  It cuts like BUTTER!  So the moral of the story is….change your blade.  (I admit I was cheap and didn’t want to spend the $7 on a blade, but it was SO worth it, and made the cutting process MUCH easier and enjoyable.)

So tomorrow I need to get my strip sets sewn together.  Then it’s off to Sew Inspired (my LQS) to get some muslin so I can “block” my diamonds once they are complete.  I also need to see if my 97D foot has come in yet, I can’t WAIT for that little gem!  I will keep you updated on my progress!  Excited to see how this turns out!   😀