I’m in a Magazine!!

I’m in a Magazine!!


topshopmyquiltOkay, they don’t really…I was really excited because my friends over at the Fabric Patch in Ephrata, WA were chosen as one of this years “Top Shops” by Quilt Sampler magazine.  This meant they were recognized for all the years of hard work they have invested in becoming a wonderful local quilt shop.  They got a nice spread in the magazine, and some great photos.

Botanical Navaho RoseI was excited because I had sent one of my quilts in to be quilted by my friends Charisma, and Cindi (the owner) hung it for the shoot.  So I got to see one of my quilts in a magazine which is a cool thing!  The quilt is called “Navaho Rose” and is one of Cindi’s original designs.  I added a closer image of the quilt from Charisma’s site.

So anyway it’s pretty neat to see a friend’s hard work and dedication pay off, as well as seeing a little something you did in a magazine.  Hope everyone is have a great day!

Happy Quilting!


Pardon My Growing Family!!

Pardon My Growing Family!!

11402984_896526417049892_3493969184854224607_nI know I’ve been gone a long time.  I’ve been going through an adoption journey, and although I can’t go into details things are going great!!  It’s exciting, tiring, sometimes scary, but a really wonderful experience.  So I have been kept away from my sewing room for several months, and this leads me to a dilemma…

I’m not really a UFO person, I start ONE project and work in that project until it is completed.  Then I move on to the next project.  I don’t multi-task well when it comes to quilting.  I’m not sure why, but it’s just not something I do well.  So I currently have a quilt in the works, but am making a new quilt for a special someone who love Mickey Mouse.  So for the first time in my quilting HISTORY I’m going to be working on 2 things at once…I hope the OCD organizationalist in me can manage.

In other news the I have some wonder “True Colors” by Tula pink coming my way, and I can’t wait to tell you about the fun project I have planned for that.IMG_2003

And last, but certainly NOT least I plan on trying to make some Wild & Goosey blocks….call me CRAZY!  My friend Charisma inspired me, I LOVE her quilt so much, that I decided to try my hand at my own.  See more about her Wild & Goosey quilt here!


And…I can breath again!

And…I can breath again!

Well I’ve had a crazy few months.  As you can see I completely fell off my blog.  The truth is I was in “I need a job” mode.  So it was very hard for me to concentrate on anything else.  Tweaking my resume, going on interviews, 2nd interviews, etc.  Well the good news is, I’m EMPLOYED again!  I was very lucky to receive an opportunity at Mercy Medical Center in their IT department.  I start March 3rd, and I’m THRILLED!

All of this allowed me to let out a very long and loud SIGH of relief, and now my attentions can return to quilting!  And what better way to make your way back than with some AWESOME inspiration!  BEHOLD!!

Postcard From Sweden






Isn’t that GORGEOUS!   It’s called “Postcards from Sweden” and it’s a free pattern available at Craftsy.

So I have the fabric ordered and can’t wait to put it together.  I still have my upcoming Lone Star collaboration to work on.  Can’t WAIT for you to see that!!  Lots of sewing on the horizon!