New Design Wall!!

New Design Wall!!

Well I’m really excited because my box from The Fabric Patch was delivered!   So I have been unpacking it, and organizing my fabrics and room as I go.  One on the items were 2 pieces of graph flannel to make a design wall.  So I got one put together today, (really simple, the fabric, and a piece of foam insulation board a BOOM) but will need to get the other one done (I ran out of tape!).  I had been wanting a design wall for a long time.  Normally I’m on my hands and knees, hunched over my blocks trying to arrange them.  This way I can throw them up, back up and see it much better.

Design WallYou see my Navaho Rose quilt, I have all the blocks done, just need to get the sashing cut out and then the 2 borders and she will be ready to go!!  It’s my first batik quilt ever.  I’ve always loved batiks, but am always afraid that the colors will just kind of blur into one another and I’ll have a wishy-washy quilt.  So I decided to make one, and go for color, color, and MORE color!   🙂

On a personal note, my spouse Karl and I recently got our license to foster and adopt in the state of Iowa.  So while we are gathering items we need for any children we might be looking after (ages 0-3 at the moment) I have been buying alot of baby / toddler items.  One thing I have found, crib and toddler bedding is SO expensive!!  And what you get for the money isn’t in 100% cotton most of the time, and feels….terrible!!  (It makes my teeth itch!)  So I have been on the look out for great patterns for cribs, etc.  So if you have any favorites let me know.  I’ve already decided to make my own crib sheets, as the tutorial I found on Youtube seems easy enough!

So I’m sure I will be sharing more kids things as I find them!  Cause boy howdy!  What they want for some items are ridiculous!   🙂

Happy Quilting!!