Mickey & Minnie..and her pretty shoes

Mickey & Minnie..and her pretty shoes

IMG_2910My four year old loves Mickey and Minnie.  He watches Mickey Mouse Club House, was Mickey for Halloween last year.  He LOVES that mouse!  So to celebrate his new bedroom I decided to make a Mickey quilt for him.  That decision turned out to be harder than I thought it would be…

My first issue was that none of the major fabric companies have Mickey fabric, many have Marvel, DC, Star Wars, etc.  But none of them have Mr. Mouse and friends.  I like to buy from my local quilt shop, it’s supporting a local business and they know me there.  But this time around I had to make the rounds at Handcock, Joann, and Hobby Lobby.  Now there isn’t anything WRONG with these stores mind you, but when it comes to fabric, I like certain things, and I don’t normally find them in a Big Box store.  Anyway, I digress, I found enough Mickey fabric to put something nice together.

I took all of my fabric home and the first thing I did was wash it call in cold water with Synthrapol.  I had several reds and was really nervous about them bleeding all over my lighter colors.  The next thing I did, washed them in cold water with Synthrapol AGAIN…just to be sure.  ( I NEVER pre-wash my fabrics….so this was very long a tedious process for me)

Then I dried them and went to the ironing board to get them all nicely ironed.  I set out with a specific pattern in mind, and then changed my mind after making a few audition blocks.  With some input from my friend Donna, I ended up with what I thought was a great looking quilt.

I then showed it to my 4 year old.  He’s response was this, “Well, I just thought Minnie would be in it wearing her pretty shoes.  Because I just love Minnie.”  So it was an easy swap out for some Minnie fabric and we were in business.  (And my son was happy)

Now to get the borders on and then it’s off to Charisma to get it all quilted for me!