Getting back in the swing

Getting back in the swing

Navajo Rose - Pattern by Cynthia Rang

Navajo Rose – Pattern by Cynthia Rang

I believe I will be receiving a box this week with all of the goodies and treasures I got while I was in Ephrata from The Fabric Patch.  I can’t wait to show you some of the amazing kits and fabric I got while spending time with Cindi, Charisma, and Co.  You will love it.  🙂

The pattern on the left is called Navajo Rose.   And when my box arrives you will get to see my fun, bright, batik version of this pattern.  (Designed by my friend Cindi).  This was my first quilt using traditional piecing techniques instead of using my specialty rulers.  Why it wasn’t bad, now I want to try and convert the pattern, as it’s one I feel like I will make again.

I also got the SWEETEST kit for a baby quilt that has fire flies on it.  It’s really beautiful!!  So I can’t wait for you to see that.

Otherwise I have GOT to get going on the “Be There, Get Your Square – BOM” with my LQS Pine Needles.  I got a tad behind from vacation, and then MORE behind from being sick.  So I need to get on the ball and get my blocks for August completed, and then start on September.

I HATE how time has slipped away so quickly this month!!  So please bear with me, a lot of neat stuff is on the way!  🙂


Happy Quilting!