Lonestar – Reloaded

Well I’m really excited!!

I will be getting some fabric soon to start a new Lonestar quilt.  I am pattern testing for a friend, so not only will I be using some hand dyed fabrics, but I will be putting it together per their pattern.  And all I can say is, the pattern is STUNNING!  So I will talk more about the specific project, etc once the pattern is published.  But will give you some sneak peaks on the fabric and construction as things progress.

I’m still on the job hunt, but have settled into the idea more.  I’m a worrier….so the first month was REALLY hard, now I’ve accepted it and am looking for new opportunities.  Other than that, I can’t wait to get back to the Quilting Studio and get some sewing done!

Happy Quilting!

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

So yesterday I was having a particularly though day.  My cat needed an emergency visit to the vet, and I’m still on the hunt for a new career opportunity.  Needless to say, my normal cheerful disposition has been slightly stressed as of late. So after getting back from the vet (Thank goodness it wasn’t anything life threatening for my cat name Chicken) I went back to work, and was just in a foul mood.  I hate being in limbo and not having a clear path forward, but it is what it is, and there isn’t anything more I can do to hurry the process along.

wwSo yesterday afternoon I get a text from my friends at The Fabric Patch and the text immediately turns my frown upside down.  It read “Wonder Woman is in the HOUSE!!”

Now I am a LONG time lover of Wonder Woman, ever since the series starring Lynda Carter aired.  Love, love, LOVE me some Wonder Woman.  So needless to say I have some of this fabric on it’s way to me.  Then I thought, what do I want to do with it…and I think I will make a travel bag.

Just amazing how you can be having a terrible day, and then a fond memory from your childhood and turn your day around.  So  big thank you to Cindi and Brianna at the Fabric Patch!  My day was made!   😀

Love the Lone Star!

Love the Lone Star!

Lone Star Quilts & Beyond by Jan Krentz

Lone Star Quilts & Beyond by Jan Krentz

I love a Lone Star in a quilt.

There is something about all those rings of color that I just love.  I’ve been getting a project together to make a Lone Star of my very own.  I asked friends and other quilters what technique they used, some used a template, some used a pre-printed interfacing.  Then a friend of mine told me to check out Jan Krentz’s book “Lone Star Quilts and Beyond” (which I purchased).  There is also a video on YouTube, and you could rent it for $4.  (Money well spent, GREAT companion to the book I believe it’s a hour and 40 minutes of instruction if memory serves me)

It’s an interesting technique.  I like it because it all makes perfect sense, and she’s very methodical about the process.  So I decided that is the technique I’m going to try.  So wish me luck!  And hopefully I will have some samples to show you soon!

Also a note that my blog will be quiet for a few days, as Karl and I are off to sunny Florida! We will be spending time with our “Philly Family” at Disney World with our god daughter Clare.  So I might post a photo or 2 but nothing quilt-related….unless I find one while I’m there.  😀

Happy Quilting!!