Love the Lone Star!

Love the Lone Star!

Lone Star Quilts & Beyond by Jan Krentz

Lone Star Quilts & Beyond by Jan Krentz

I love a Lone Star in a quilt.

There is something about all those rings of color that I just love.  I’ve been getting a project together to make a Lone Star of my very own.  I asked friends and other quilters what technique they used, some used a template, some used a pre-printed interfacing.  Then a friend of mine told me to check out Jan Krentz’s book “Lone Star Quilts and Beyond” (which I purchased).  There is also a video on YouTube, and you could rent it for $4.  (Money well spent, GREAT companion to the book I believe it’s a hour and 40 minutes of instruction if memory serves me)

It’s an interesting technique.  I like it because it all makes perfect sense, and she’s very methodical about the process.  So I decided that is the technique I’m going to try.  So wish me luck!  And hopefully I will have some samples to show you soon!

Also a note that my blog will be quiet for a few days, as Karl and I are off to sunny Florida! We will be spending time with our “Philly Family” at Disney World with our god daughter Clare.  So I might post a photo or 2 but nothing quilt-related….unless I find one while I’m there.  😀

Happy Quilting!!