Be There, Get your Square – Block #5

Be There, Get your Square – Block #5

Sojourner Truth Block

Sojourner Truth Block

Well I got another one down, but it still wasn’t the Jackie Kennedy block….I’m taking a new tact on that one, hopefully to be completed soon.  I did finish this block though.  This block was named after Sojourner Truth.  (Follow the link to see a short video about her life, a fascinating woman and story.)

This block did mark a quilting milestone for me, carefully measuring and marking a rectangle piece to create the block.  The center block in the top row has to be carefully measured, and then the green fabric sewn along a line you draw.  It was a tad tedious, however there were only 4.  If I had to make a whole quilt with this block I would just end up making my own paper piecing template, so I wouldn’t have to mark the lines each time.  (Which incidentally is what I’m going to be doing for the Jackie Kennedy block….wish me luck!)

Other than those 4 units everything else was super easy (and even those units weren’t “hard” just time consuming from what I’ve been used to doing.  Up next….Jackie…..Jackie I WILL get you put together correctly and all of those little points WILL be perky!!   😀

Block of the Month Information:
Voices of the Past II – Women in History” by Kaye England
Hosted by:  Inspired to Sew in Cedar Rapids, Iowa