Be There, Get your Square – Block #3

Be There, Get your Square – Block #3

Anna Eleanor RooseveltWell I have to admit I got a tad behind on my block of the month (BOM).  I missed out on several weeks when I went on vacation.  So after getting back, getting a few projects finished etc, I’m back in the saddle and finished my 3rd block the other day.

This particular BOM is being hosted by Inspired To Sew (previously known as Pine Needles Sewing Center).  If you remember this BOM is all about women in history , so this block was named for Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.  My photo didn’t turn out as well as it looks in person.  The robin egg’s blue fabric has polka dots on it and there are hints of that color in the batik that borders it.

Anyway the block went together fairy quickly.  I believe it took about an hour.  I had to do some un-sewing to get my points “perky” but I am really happy with how it turned out.

Remember if you are interested in these blocks, the book can be purchased from Kaye England’s site.

The blocks are a tad complex, and the pieces are small (for me) some are an inch and a quarter.  But I think you’d be surprised at how nicely they go together, and you do feel a bit more confident after you’ve constructed a block.  The other nice thing is if you HATED making the block, you don’t have to make it again and you can move on to the next one.  😛