A Quilting Rut…

A Quilting Rut…

Do you ever fall into those moods:

  • You have a zillion great quilt ideas?
  • Patterns you are dying to try.
  • Fabric you can’t wait to use?
  • Then you get home have 4 hours of free time and NOTHING gets done?

You my friend are in a quilting RUT!

How do I know?  Cause I happen to be in one now.  I literally have TONS of ideas floating around in my head, a quilt pattern I have planned out and need to start producing…but my gumption seems to have gone by the wayside.

In truth there are a few things conspiring against me, a missing piece of equipment or certain color of fabric.  And because of that I feel like I can’t start ANYTHING on that project until I have all of my tools lined up in a row like a surgeon.  (OCD Much?)  Once I have everything I need, I normally throw myself into a project and go full bore.

Sadly, that hasn’t happened for me yet.  The good news is, I’m taking a vacation soon!  My in-laws gave the family a cruise to Alaska for Christmas.  (really excited about it).  I know what you’re thinking….Alaska has nothing to do with quilts, where are you going with this?  Well we are flying in a few days before the cruise and I get to hang out with my friends from Ephrata, Washington at the Fabric Patch Quilt Retreat House!!

I LOVE watching other people quilt, the little tricks they have, things you watch, and think, that makes perfect sense, how smart, why didn’t I think of that?  So I have no idea what project we’re going to work on.  But I know there will be fun, laughing, and sewing.  Just the little jump start I need to get me out of neutral and into drive.

I’ve also decided that I need to plugin to more classes at my LQS Pine Needles Sewing Center.  They offer TONS of them, and the price is right, $60 gets you a class ticket for 3 months.  Sign up for pretty much anything in that 3 month period.  Many times I think a project is out of my league because of the difficulty, well that’s where the classes come in.  Building my skills, and hopefully giving me a bit more quilting confidence.

So if you’re in a rut, go out to your LQS, sign up for that interesting class, Block of the Month, or upcoming retreat.  Sometimes you just need that spark to put a little charge back into your quilting!

Happy Quilting!