Michael and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad….Month!!

Michael and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad….Month!!

What a dramatic post title huh?  Has it been NEARLY that bad?  No, but sometimes when it rains it pours….and speaking of rain.  I live in Iowa, the last few weeks we’ve had our fair share of rain, power outages, and collapsing retaining walls.  Okay so the later was only in my yard, which isn’t covered under insurance, which is an estimated $8,000 to repair…lovely.  On top of that I lost my Rose of Sharon and Flowering Almond…I’m a bit bitter.

wallThen as I prepare to finish my upcylcing project by spraying the drawer fronts with a paint sprayer, catastrophe strike yet AGAIN!  The spray nozzle isn’t working and spraying out water (thankfully I start with water to be sure it was working properly) EVERYWHERE.

It’s like my life has been taken over by GREMLINS I’m tell you!

Anyway there IS a shining beacon of goodness that came through today.  My friend Patty called to tell me she has tickets for Karl and I to go see Ricky Tims with her on Friday night.  So that should be fun!!

I really am kidding about my life being TERRIBLE!!  (Okay the retaining wall, not so great)

That one girl gremlin

That one girl gremlin