Archives for April 2017

Quilting Update

Quilting Update

Hello again quilting friends!!

So my blog posts have been come few and far between.  Well I guess I never anticipated what adding a little one to our family would really mean.  You see these movies of parents doing it all, work, kids, hanging out with their friends in the evenings.  Well that is all fiction, perhaps it works for some people, but in my little family, there is not TONS of time; after school, getting dinner ready, playing, bath time, stories, bedtime…then after all that I am exhausted and in bed by 9pm.  The glamorous life I lead…don’t be jealous!


This has led to diminished quilting time.  I’m still doing quilting things, buying fabric, kits, etc.  But I just don’t have as much to show for it as I normally would.  I am currently working on a Craftsy kit called “The Family Album Quilt Kit”.  I have everything cut out and all everything pieced.  Now I am working on getting the rows put together.  I seem to have become slightly obsessed with star quits, and I love how this one is one great big star.


I should mention that while I’m not cranking out a quilt every month or so, I’m still getting several done a year, so even though I have cut back on what’s getting accomplished, I’m still quilting and enjoying the process.


I bid farewell to my very first Bernina machine Bernice.  She went to live with my neighbor.  I had to sell her and her cabinet to make room for a new addition.  My friend Cindi called me with a wonderful deal on an Innova Longarm, and I could not turn it down.  So, I went ahead and took it.  I won’t have it for several months but I think sometime in September she should be comfy and cozy in my quilting room.  Which will bring on an entirely NEW set of fun and challenges.