Archives for January 2016

Starting my Postcard from Sweden Quilt

Starting my Postcard from Sweden Quilt

postcardSo I finally had time to start on my “Postcards from Sweden” quilt from Jeli Quilts.  It’s a really fun, colorful quilt, you can find the pattern on Craftsy and I believe they also have kits available.  It’s hard to find all of the Kona solids in one spot, so I was able to get mine by buying at my local quilt shop, but I also had to order online at Missouri Star Quilt Company to get a complete list of the fabrics needed.  This also marked the first time of using my AccuQuilt Go! I’ve had it for years, but never really used it as I didn’t want to invest in buying specific dies for specific shapes.  However I did buy the half square triangle die for this project which made cutting the triangles SUPER quick!

IMG_3282One of the biggest priorities to this quilt is LABELING!  There are TONS of colors and some of them are just a shade that is SLIGHTLY off from one another.  So I purchased printable return address labels and printed them out to keep my colors organized, believe me, it’s worth it!!  With 36 colors floating around it’s nice to have them each labeled, also ADD the corresponding number to the label.  I thought of this after it was too late, so I just added them to the label with a Sharpie.  But having the name and number of the fabric will be a life saver.

FullSizeRenderWhile you’re only making half square triangles and pinwheel blocks.  The time consuming part of this is matching up the colors according to the diagram and getting them all sewn together.  I purchased large paper plates, and set each set on a paper plate to be sewn, then just stacked the paper plates.  It make is REALLY easy to sew together and know what pair you have.  (Thanks Pepper Cory for that tip!)  So I am about a quarter of the way done.  Hopefully before the weekend is over I will be about half way there.